Black Like Me

S9 E182: "What The Hell Are You Doing Working On These White People": The Complexity Of Dealing With Racism As A Social Entrepreneur With Consultant Jim Bower


Dr. Gee talks with the experienced consultant, Jim Bower, about empowering visionary leaders to actually create the social change that they envision. Listen in on the ongoing conversation these two men have about how to approach the cross-cultural work of addressing racism in a local community, in particular through their work in developing The Center for Black Excellence and Culture.

Jim responded to the call to get to work on improving racial disparities in the community as a result of the original Justified Anger article.  He helped approach the issues in the community as Complex Adaptive problems compared to technical problems. Racism is a problem that without a quick fix and eliminating racism requires a multi-layered approach, not just addressing one factor of the issue.

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