Black Like Me

S8 E161: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?: Real Family Talk About Race Related Trauma With My White Cousin, Brandon Cook


Dr. Alex Gee has a heart-felt and truthful conversation with his white cousin, Brandon Cook, about their shared family legacy that dates back to American slavery. They are open about discussing the racial trauma that has carried through generations of their family history. Having both served as pastors and being committed to transformational leadership, they have a lot in common, while still experiencing very different sides of American society.

Brandon Cook is a writer, trainer, and business/personal coach. He attended Wheaton College (IL) and studied in Jerusalem, Israel before graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University near Boston. He also received a Master’s degree in ancient Judaism from Oxford University in the UK. Brandon is passionate about helping people courageously step into their future and into who they are made to be, through Brandon Cook Coaching. You can also listen to his podcast, Naming the Real, wherever you listen to podcasts.

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