The Outeroo Plaza lineup is officially out, and Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco of The What Podcast are here to help break it down. From the Pride Parade with Big Freedia and Cimafunk and drag artist Twink Trash (in Tennessee, mind you), to the Hogslop String Band and Sonalee Rashatwar (The Fat Sex Therapist), the trio look at the “big step forward” for the Plaza programming. Elsewhere in the episode, Barry and Lord Taco talk about a surprising new Bonnaroo connection to Star Wars: Lizzo and Jack Black guest star on The Mandalorian (hint: Brad didn't watch it).

The crew also explore some of the voicemails they’ve started to receive from their Bonnaroo ticket giveaway, which features listeners’ favorite Bonnaroo stories and memories. Want a chance at nabbing those free passes for yourself? All you need to do is call (423) 667-7877 (that’s HAD-MOR-RUSS) and leave a voicemail about why you love Bonnaroo, any standout stories, or why you want to go this year. The best voicemails will be played on the show, and one winner will take home the grand prize. For more details, visit

Listen to The What Podcast discuss the Outeroo lineup here, and you can also watch the full discussion via YouTube. And while you’re at it, do us a solid by liking, reviewing, and subscribing to The What wherever you get your podcasts.

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