Have you ever thought, “It’s not my fault, I inherited it from my mom”? While your DNA sets the stage, your environment and lifestyle also play leading roles in your health. 

  • Genetics loads the gun. Lifestyle pulls the trigger.

This means that while you may carry certain genetic predispositions, it’s your daily habits and environment that determine whether those traits become active or remain dormant. Factors like stress, nutrition, and even life events can activate or suppress your genetic tendencies. For example:

  • Pregnancy can act as a major stressor, revealing hidden health issues like postpartum thyroiditis. This condition is often tied to genetics but can be exacerbated by life events.

The Power of Genetic Testing: Understanding your unique genetic profile is like having a roadmap for your health. It provides insights into:

  • How your body handles stress (methylation).

  • Your predisposition to hormone imbalances or autoimmune conditions.

  • The best foods, supplements, and lifestyle practices to optimize your health.

Take methylation as an example. It’s a crucial process your body uses to repair DNA, manage stress, and detoxify. If you’re not a strong methylator, small lifestyle changes like eating B-complex-rich foods (leafy greens, wild-caught fish) and managing stress can significantly improve your health.

Why This Matters: Genetic testing empowers you to take control. Instead of guessing why certain health issues arise, you gain clarity and actionable steps to support your well-being. With the right insights, you can shift your lifestyle to work with your genes, not against them.

Get your genetic blueprint here: https://dr-beth-westie.mykajabi.com/offers/38Fg4ByH/checkout


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The Female Health Solution Podcast

689. Genetics: The Key To Understanding Your Health & Hormones
