Episode 196 - Matthew Joudeh hosts an LGBTQ+ panel of Assyrians who openly share their unique experiences of being members of the LGBTQ+ community. Matthew leads the discussion, providing a safe space for these individuals to express their stories, challenges, and triumphs. Join us as we delve into the intersectionality of their Assyrian heritage and LGBTQ+ identities, fostering understanding, empathy, and unity within our community. This powerful episode aims to amplify voices and promote inclusivity, creating a platform for diverse narratives to be heard.

Matthew Joudeh, born and raised in Turlock, Ca! Working and a full time student, at CSU Stanislaus! In this episode we discuss the importance of being an Assyrian LGBTQ ally and also the struggles that some of us have faced during the process of finding ourselves and coming out! 

Rhoda Nazanin is an Assyrian Christian born in Isfahan, Iran. She immigrated to Los Angeles, CA with her family in 1993. After living in LA for 29 years, Rhoda moved to St. Louis, MO with her wife, Sarah in spring of 2022. Rhoda is a former Assembly of God pastor and congressional candidate for CA’s 27th district. 

Andre Shamoon is an Assyrian catholic born and raised in Turlock Ca. He is a proud transman who loves to spend time with family and friends or go to the gym! 

Yeshua (ܝܫܘܥ) is a standup comedian living in New York City. He LOVES talking about being Assyrian to anyone and everyone. He talks about being Assyrian and Gay in his standup, hoping it will bring awareness of his Assyrian culture to the world; and to Assyrians, unity within the culture. Yeshua grew up in Turlock, CA and studied at UC Berkeley. Above all else, he loves proving to anyone that the singular strongest common bond every single culture on earth shares is diversity. And, indeed, diversity is God's work, and if you protest God's work then you are saying you know better than God. And you do not.

Chris is an out and proud Assyrian from Chicago who currently lives in LA. A passionate cook, everyone Chris befriends is immediately force fed dolma and rice. As an actor, he loves turning Middle Eastern stereotypes on their heads with his web series @WahabbiBobbi. He's thrilled to have participated in this conversation and to connect with other queer Assyrians. 

Bernadet Yaghobian is an Assyrian, Armenian, Iranian Christian. She was born in Iran and immigrated to California in 2000. She’s a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has a private practice and also works at a non-profit, providing mental health services to unhoused population. She also has an unconditional love for elephants.


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