Whelp, it’s December. How’d that happen? Seems like only 11 months ago it was January. You may be saying to yourself, “How do I manage my holiday food expectations?” The gang at We Only Look Thin are glad you hypothetically asked. This week, Catherine and Donald encourage you to use 6 of their favorite words that start with the letter “P” to look ahead at the month and make the choice for your healthy habits. Let’s end the year being proud of ourselves. Plus, Catherine rides in the Popemobile, Donald is on team wolf-boy, and it was Greg Brady who invented the Gregorian calendar.

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Related Episodes of We Only Look Thin:

Episode 270 – I’m a Carbie Girl


Episode 307 – The Nut Tracker


Episode 286 – Fork of July


Episode 301 – TGI Friday the 13th






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