The Grue-Crew review A HAUNTING IN VENICE (2023, Hulu) on Gruesome Magazine episode 489. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era, Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl from Decades of Horror: 1980s, award-winning filmmaker Christopher G. Moore, lead news writer Dave Dreher, and Doc Rotten share their thoughts about this week’s frightening addition to streaming horror films.

Warning: possible spoilers after the initial impressions! A HAUNTING IN VENICE (2023, Hulu)

Synopsis: In post-World War II Venice, Poirot, now retired and living in his own exile, reluctantly attends a seance. But when one of the guests is murdered, it is up to the former detective to once again uncover the killer.

  • Available Streaming on Hulu beginning October 31, 2023
  • Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
  • Written by: Michael Green
  • Based on the novel “Hallowe’en Party” by: Agatha Christie
  • Cast: Kenneth Branagh, Tina Fey, Kelly Reilly, Jude Hill, Jamie Dornan, Camille Cottin, Emma Laird, Michelle Yeoh, Richardo Scamarcio, Kyle Allen, Ali Khan



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