Theresa Landrum has lived in Southwest Detroit her whole life. Her zip code is 48217, which is infamous for being the most polluted zip code in the state of Michigan. Nearby is an oil refinery from Marathon Petroleum Corporation that sends chemicals up into the air. There’s also a coal-fired power plant just a few miles away. I-75 runs right through the zip code. Right in the center of all this is Theresa’s community. She’s been fighting for environmental justice for a long time. But when she was a kid, she saw her neighborhood much differently.

Season 3 of the Land I Trust brings you storytellers from across the Midwestern US who share their experiences of climate change, the impacts of dirty fuels, the fight for clean energy—and more. Host and narrator Precious Brady-Davis weaves together these stories and shares some of her own perspective as well. The series is a unique window into this important part of the country, at a pivotal time for the nation and the planet. In these "My Story" segments, people like Landrum tell their own story in their own words.

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The Land I Trust

My Story: Theresa Landrum on living in Michigan's most polluted zip code
