In this deeply moving episode of The Franciska Show, Tehila Simantov shares her harrowing journey through legal battles and immigration issues in South Africa while struggling to maintain custody of her two young children. From being caught in a toxic and abusive relationship to fighting through the courts with the support of the Jewish community, Tehillah reveals the sacrifices and resilience required to protect her family. Through her emotional and candid story, she highlights the importance of mental health, community support, and the unyielding drive to provide a stable future for her children. 00:00 A Personal Loss and Introduction 03:24 Meet Tehila Simantov 04:05 Early Life and Family Background 05:38 First Marriage and Immigration Challenges 07:15 A New Relationship and Legal Troubles 09:50 Abuse and Custody Battle 12:48 Desperation and Community Support 15:29 Legal Struggles and Imprisonment 18:21 Fighting for Custody and Future Hopes 29:09 Overwhelming Support and Charity 30:40 Living Situation and Support System 32:11 Custody Battle and Emotional Struggles 33:19 Family Support and Personal Reflections 36:09 Recognizing and Addressing Abuse 40:43 Marriage, Divorce, and Co-Parenting Challenges 48:09 Single Parenting Realities 52:02 Final Thoughts and Support
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