Dr Eben Alexander, a highly-skilled neurosurgeon had a life-changing Near Death Experience when his brain was attacked by a rare illness.
After developing bacterial meningitis, Dr Alexander fell into a deep coma when the damage to his brain shut down his cerebral cortex. While it seemed unlikely that Dr Alexander could experience any level of consciousness, he had a very real and profound experience.
As he lay there, he journeyed beyond this world, encountering an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself.
As his doctors considered stopping treatment, Dr Alexander’s eyes popped open. He had returned, forever changed by his NDE. The experience had opened up a new reality of consciousness for him, and despite the deep injury to his brain, he had made a full, miraculous recovery.
Dr Alexander is the author of two books, the first; Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife has been a global top seller.
Living in a Mindful Universe shares his insights into the true nature of consciousness. Embracing his radically new worldview, he began a committed program of personal exploration into non-local consciousness. Along the way, he met Karen Newell, who had spent most of her lifetime living the worldview he had only just discovered was possible. Her personal knowledge came from testing various techniques and theories as part of her daily routine. Living in a Mindful Universe teaches you how to tap into your greater mind and the power of the heart to facilitate the enhancement of healing, relationships, creativity, guidance, and more. Using various modalities related to meditation and mindfulness, you will gain the power to access that infinite source of knowing so vital to us all, ultimately enriching every facet of our lives. A practical companion to the book is a (completely free) 33-day online course: ebenalexander.com/33days
For more about Dr Eben Alexander, you can visit: www.ebenalexander.com