Join host Eric Malzone as he sits down with former UFC champion Miesha Tate for an incredible podcast episode. Miesha opens up about her remarkable journey in wrestling and mixed martial arts, sharing stories of overcoming challenges and discovering her true passion for fighting. Together, they explore the changing landscape of support and resources for UFC athletes, the importance of effective coaching and communication, the role of technology in training, and the fascinating topic of the female hormonal cycle. Miesha emphasizes the critical role of restorative sleep, proper nutrition, and overall well-being in achieving peak performance both inside and outside the octagon. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that delves into the intersection of sports, health, and personal growth, featuring one of the most influential figures in the world of mixed martial arts.






Links:  ENTER CODE: ERIC15 for 15% discount


I LOVE LMNT. If there is one person I trust with my nutrition and supplementation, it's Robb Wolf. LMNT is a tasty electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. That means a science-backed electrolyte ratio – with none of the junk. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. The benefits are numerous, but here's a few to wet your whistle...

Prevent and eliminate headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, sleeplessness, and other common symptoms of electrolyte deficiency

Boost performance and recovery. Electrolytes facilitate hundreds of functions in the body, including the conduction of nerve impulses, hormonal regulation, nutrient absorption, and fluid balance

Support a low-carb lifestyle by preventing, mitigating, and eliminating the “low carb/keto flu”

Support healthy fasting. LMNT replaces electrolytes without breaking a fast

Personally, I'm a big fan of intermittent fasting and drinking LMNT daily during my fasting hours provides noticeable improvements in energy, focus, and gut function. Most of all, it helps me drink more water throughout the day and that's never a bad thing (it also mixes well in a cocktail, but you didn't hear that from me).


The Ultimate Plan tests up to 43 blood biomarkers—including glucose, cholesterol, cortisol, and hemoglobin—for a complete and holistic analysis of your health. Whether you want to improve athletic performance, extend longevity, or improve your overall wellness, this is your all-encompassing solution.

Your data tells the story of your health. Insidetracker goes beyond identifying generic, “clinically normal” ranges to unveil your body’s unique, optimal biomarker zones. you’ll discover where you’re optimized and where there’s room for improvement.

Insidetracker puts a nutritionist and personal trainer in your pocket with daily, data-driven recommendations. precise adjustments to your diet, exercise, and supplement intake can help you reach healthy biomarker zones and achieve your wellness goals.

What you'll get:

Blood test and analysis of 43 biomarkers

Personalized optimal biomarker zones

Action plan with nutrition, exercise, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations

Connect your Fitbit or Garmin fitness trackers via our iOS or Android app

Ability to upload third party blood test results

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