On Thursday, March 28, myself and journalist & organizer UNA MULLALLY, presented the event THE BEGINNING IS NEAR in Dublin, where we talked about the end of the world and what comes after that. It marked in person with frequent AEWCH guests, philosopher and activist SREĆKO HORVAT, and cultural critic and writer MARK O'CONNELL. The event marked Srećko's first speaking engagement in Ireland, and also my first attempt at creating an "AEWCH event" in Ireland. I'd love to do many more.

The night was broken into halves: first, we talked about apocalypse. Then we had a short break and spoke about renewal. What arose was a challenging set of indications and prospects, failures and pathways.

Some questions that came up:

Is the apocalypse always happening?

What does the esoteric tell us about how to live beyond apocalypse?

What is the role of art in renewal?

Why is it important to evade the political realm?

What is the use of hope?

Enjoy the episode!

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Against Everyone With Conner Habib. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Against Everyone With Conner Habib och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.