Order From Ashes

Order From Ashes


Today’s world is in unprecedented flux. Rights and citizenship are under assault. Authoritarianism is on the rise. No single country can dictate the rules. The Middle East lies at the cutting edge of the crises of our age, with every world power, including the United States, deeply involved. Host Thanassis Cambanis interviews activists, researchers...

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Today’s world is in unprecedented flux. Rights and citizenship are under assault. Authoritarianism is on the rise. No single country can dictate the rules. The Middle East lies at the cutting edge of the crises of our age, with every world power, including the United States, deeply involved. Host Thanassis Cambanis interviews activists, researchers, and decision-makers about the problems of our time, and possible solutions. This podcast is produced by Century International. Our research focuses on the human impact of global policy. We are independent, critical, and progressive. Find our work at https://tcf.org/topics/century-international/.

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