📘 7-Year Anniversary of "Wizard of the Wasteland":

This week marks seven years since the launch of my debut post-apocalyptic novel, "Wizard of the Wasteland." Reflecting on this journey fills me with gratitude for the experiences and growth it has brought me. Celebrating this milestone reminds me of how far I've come and the incredible support from readers like you.

📺 Watching "Three Body Problem" on Netflix:

I've started watching the new Netflix sci-fi series "Three Body Problem," based on the novel by Liu Cixin. The adaptation dives deep into the complexities and existential themes of the original book, and it's been fascinating to see how the intricate narrative translates on screen.

🖋️ Progress on "The Knight and the Rebel":

In writing news, I've begun working on the second POV in "The Knight and the Rebel," book 3 of the Ravenglass Legends series. This new perspective is adding layers and depth to the story, and I'm excited about the directions it's taking.

📚 Looking Ahead:

As I continue to develop "The Knight and the Rebel," I'm also starting to outline future projects and exploring where to steer my creative energies next. The journey of writing never stops, and each new project brings its own set of challenges and discoveries.

I'd love to hear how you celebrate your creative milestones, your thoughts on "Three Body Problem," or what projects you're currently working on. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author's life and the worlds I'm creating!

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