Welcome to this week’s Author Diary, where I share the exciting launch of "Guild of Assassins" and delve into some musical escapades that provided a refreshing change of pace from writing.

📘 "Guild of Assassins" Launch:

This week was a milestone event with the launch of "Guild of Assassins." Launch days are always exhilarating, filled with anticipation and excitement as the book finally makes its way to readers. Thank you to everyone who has supported the journey—your enthusiasm makes all the hard work worthwhile!

🎸 Rocking Out with Mr. Bungle:

In a thrilling switch from my usual routine, I attended a Mr. Bungle concert in Manchester. Experiencing their unique blend of music live was an absolute blast and a great way to recharge creatively.

🎶 Jam Session:

Additionally, I spent some quality time playing music with a friend. We laid down the foundations for a couple of new songs, tapping into a different vein of creative expression. Writing music offers a wonderful outlet and complements my literary endeavors beautifully.

While this week took a brief hiatus from writing, the experiences have provided new inspiration and energy, which I'm excited to bring back into my writing soon.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with balancing creative outlets or any recent adventures in music or reading. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into my author's life and creative explorations!

#GuildOfAssassins #BookLaunch #MrBungle #LiveMusic #Songwriting #AuthorDiary #CreativeBreak #MusicInspiration #WritingHiatus #CreativeJourney

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