Welcome to this week’s Author Diary! Dive into my latest writing achievements, exciting publishing plans, and my current engaging read.

📝 "Punks Versus Zombies" Progress:

This week, I’ve been busy with the "Punks Versus Zombies" series, successfully writing episode 38 and drafting the first version of episode 39. Each episode brings new challenges and twists, keeping the series fresh and thrilling.

✍️ "Wyvern Rider" Redrafting:

I'm currently redrafting "Wyvern Rider," a story close to my heart. I’m excited to announce that I will start posting it on Ream starting May 18. It's shaping up well, and I can't wait to share this adventure with my readers.

📚 Expanding Content on Ream:

Alongside new stories, I've been posting a selection of my old short stories and novellas on Ream. There's a treasure trove of narratives I've crafted over the years, and I'm looking forward to bringing more of these into the light for new and longtime readers to enjoy.

🎶 Current Reading:

I’ve been engrossed in "Delta Blues – The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music." This book has been a fascinating journey into the roots and profound impact of Delta blues on American music, offering deep insights and appreciation for this influential genre.

As I continue to write, redraft, and delve into the profound depths of music history, I look forward to sharing more about my creative process and the inspirations behind my work.

Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the evolution of series writing, rediscovering old stories, or any profound music history books you've encountered.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for weekly insights into my author's life and explorations in storytelling!

#PunksVersusZombies #WyvernRider #ReamPlatform #AuthorDiary #CreativeWriting #DeltaBlues #MusicHistory #StoryRedrafting #PublishingUpdates #ReadingUpdate

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