On this episode of “613 Books” Podcast, Producer-Host Heather Dean’s guest is Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff, the author of “Exploring Tehillim”

Sefer Tehillim is the source of many of our tefillos and the sefer of choice for our personal prayers. But what exactly are we saying in each perek? Sometimes the answer is not so clear.

In Exploring Tehillim Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff offers a brief synopsis of each chapter, outlining its profound themes and messages. A must-have for all whio recite Tehillim and for those who wish to join their ranks.

ALSO, Dr. Sara Markowitz, co-author of “Kosher ADHD,” tells us about two books that are on her reading table.

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Show notes:

Featured Guest: Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff

Featured Book: “Exploring Tehillim: An Elucidation of the Eternal Song of the Jewish Soul” (Menucha Publishers)

To Purchase your copy of “Exploring Tehillim” from Menucha Publishers’ website: https://menuchapublishers.com/products/exploring-tehillim-an-elucidation-of-the-eternal-song-of-the-jewish-soul

“What’s on my Reading Table?” Contributor: Dr. Sara Markowitz

To Purchase “Kosher ADHD” from Kodesh Press: https://kodeshpress.com/product/kosher-adhd/

To Purchase “Kosher ADHD” on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kosher-ADHD-Surviving-Thriving-Torah-Observant/dp/B0CLY8TNB8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=H728272QNDOW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DF5ufxIVowviv1ClXTdIHw.aMzDsn4TQZ-Am12tS7h0Y_8TuWPtKLN0PQ5JrRxao6c&dib_tag=se&keywords=Kosher+ADHD+Chesner+Markowitz&qid=1718010518&s=books&sprefix=kosher+adhd+chesner+markowit%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C246&sr=1-1

To Dr. Markowitz through her website: https://kosher-adhd.com/dr-sara-markowitz-clinical-psychologist/

To purchase Dr. Markowitz’s reading table recommendations:

“Minchas Asher” website for Rabbi Asher Weiss, שליט״א: https://minchasasher.com/about/

“Living Beautifully” by Gila Ross: from Mosaica Press https://mosaicapress.com/product/living-beautifully/

OR on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Living-Beautifully-meaning-timeless-wisdom/dp/1957579811

Show Announcer for 613 Books Podcast: Michael Doniger

Michael’s contact info, voice-over samples, and demo: https://michaeldoniger.com/

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