Shaman Oaks chats with Your Mate Tom about his Psychedelic YouTube Journey, meeting the DMT lady, having a nightmare ayahuasca ceremony, Deep spiritual mushroom journeys, energy healing and more weird rabbit hole type conversations. My kind of stuff..


0:00 - Shaman Oaks Joins the Your Mate Tom Podcast

1:00 - Energy Healing

6:00 - Shaman Oaks talks about the DMT lady

8:45 - Salvia

10:45 - First mushroom trip

11:27 - Are psychedelic entities “real”?

19:17 - Shaman Oak’s Ayahuasca experiences

37:00 - When Ayahuasca gets WAY too overwhelming!

41:17 - Mother Ayahuasca spirit

46:57 - My first 5-Meo-DMT Experience

50:30 - DMT The Spirit Molecule

57:21 - What’s the purpose of being a human on Earth?

1:02:16 - Going too far with Psychedelics 

1:07:30 - My most profound trip (San Pedro)

1:15:25 - My first TRUE LSD Trip w/ PsychedSubstance

1:26:43 - I used to be EMBARRASED of my YouTube channel (STIGMA)

1:32:25 - Charlatan Shamans

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Your Mate Tom. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Your Mate Tom och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.