Markets spent much of Monday flopping around but finishing the day with a green candle. Markets are still overbought and still on a buy signal, so we're expecting correction within a few days: Nothing major, but a healthy pullback to re-test the 50-DMA and alleviate the overbought conditions. The risk in the data is the lag-effect, which could produce a hotter-than-expected CPI print. Most of Wall Street is expecting cooler numbers, but there is not a zero chance of a hotter CPI number, which would put pressure on markets. numbers, but there is not a zero chance of a hotter CPI number, which would put pressure on markets. Hosted by RIA Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO  Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- Watch the video version of this podcast:  ------- REGISTER for our next Lunch & Learn: "Transitioning to Medicare" ------- Get more info & commentary: ------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #MarketCorrection #CPI #PPI #MarketPullBack #Bullishness  #FederalReserve #InterestRates #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing

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