Marcin Wolski is a year into learning Swift. We discuss how he learned Swift using the iPad with Swift Playgrounds and Paul Hudson’s 100 Days of Swift. 

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Chapter Markers:

00:00:00: Opening

00:00:56: Support the Podcast

00:01:17: Marcin Wolski

00:03:33: Favorite iPad apps

00:05:23: General iPad Thoughts

00:09:31: Swift Playgrounds

00:11:10: Your first language?

00:12:56: Anyone can code

00:14:44: Going outside of Playgrounds?

00:16:54: Other resources?

00:19:02: Swift vs Swift UI

00:20:21: Moving to the Mac

00:23:09: Any other apps on iPad to help learn?

00:24:57: Virtual Keyboard

00:26:36: What did you need to move to the Mac?

00:28:32: Anything else?

00:33:17: Where can people follow you online?

00:33:58: Closing

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