Join hosts Michael Barr, Damian Sassower and special guest host Bloomberg Originals correspondent Vanessa Perdomo for a look at some of the latest headlines and stories in the business of sports.

First, Bluestone Equity Partners founder and managing partner Bobby Sharma joins to discuss some of his firm's sports interests and why sports remain a strong area to invest in.

They welcome Keith Wachtel, chief business and revenue officer and EVP of Global Partnerships at the NHL to discuss the state of the league as the Stanley Cup playoffs continue and after a big year for attendance and revenue.

Churchill Downs CEO Bill Carstanjen joins to talk about the upcoming Kentucky Derby and its long rich history as well as how the run has found a way to continue and stay relevant through the years.

Plus, we have a portion of the latest episode of "The Deal with Alex Rodriguez and Jason Kelly" featuring Endeavor and TKO President and COO Mark Shapiro.

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