In today’s episode, we interview a highly sought-after woman in the health and fitness industry, Brianna Battles. We’re lucky enough to call Brianna our friend and have been privy to her journey of redefining what being an athlete means for her as she transitioned to becoming a mom and entrepreneur. 

Today, Brianna is a powerhouse in the health and fitness industry- training with high level athletes and also trains coaches on how to work with pre and postnatal athletes. One of Brianna’s main messages: you have to learn how to work through your “athlete brain” mindset if you want to live a healthy, happy, balanced life. 

If you identify as an athlete or high-achiever in any capacity this podcast is going to really hit home. And bonus: if you are a personal trainer, coach, physiotherapist, or any professional who works with a pre/postnatal population, Brianna’s course: Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism is on sale this week. Enjoy!

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