Welcome to another enlightening episode of 'The Daily Reprieve'. In this podcast, we discuss an insightful journey of one who succumbed to the depths of lust only to rise, stronger and wiser, with a renewed perspective on life.The episode focuses on an interesting group titled the 'Rock Bottom Group'. Its members are met with a striking realization of the futility of lust and its inability to satiate the ever-growing needs and wants. The speaker, after grappling with the depths of this addiction for over 30 years, shares his journey of transformation that comes with hitting rock bottom.Listen as they delve into their journey towards sobriety over the past six years. They discuss the devastation caused by their actions, the unmanageability of their life, and their attempts to control everything. A stark reality hits when they understand that they can never be satisfied with lust, always yearning for more. Through this journey, they come to value the powerful strength of gratitude expressed in their prayer, 'Thank You, God'. This simple prayer symbolizes the shifting focus of their life, from themselves to God, heralding their growth and maturity. It is through this gratitude they shift from being self-serving to becoming an agent of positivity in the world.The speaker also emphasizes the wisdom gleaned from working the steps multiple times, which helped them realize the gravity of self-will leading to dis-ease. So, tune in to this episode of 'The Daily Reprieve' to learn more about the transformation that accompanies the realization of rock bottom, and how to rise above it into a life of gratitude and sobriety. We look forward to sharing more such inspiring episodes.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Preston D/Dennis T/Daniel T. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Preston D/Dennis T/Daniel T och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.