Malachi Barton & Reed Horstmann recently joined host Elias in the cave for Press Day for the upcoming release of their new Disney Show 'The Villains of Valley View' premiering June 3rd.

We enjoyed watching an early release here at the "cave" cant wait for everyone to check it out!

"The Villains of Valley View" - When teenage supervillain Havoc stands up to the head of the League of Villains, her family is forced to change their identities and relocate to a sleepy Texas suburb. With the help of her effervescent new neighbor Hartley, Havoc - going incognito as "Amy" - must somehow hide her superpowers and quell her villainous nature in favor of something she and the rest of her family have fought against all their lives: being normal.

Stage trained actress Isabella Pappas (as Havoc/Amy) leads a talented ensemble cast including Lucy Davis ("Chilling Adventures of Sabrina") as Eva/Surge, James Patrick Stuart ("General Hospital") as Vic/Kraniac, Malachi Barton (Disney Channel's "Under Wraps") as Colby/Flashform, Reed Horstmann ("The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia") as Jake/Chaos and newcomer Kayden Muller-Janssen as Hartley. Patricia Belcher ("The Week of") recurs as Celia.

"The Villains of Valley View" is created by Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore ("Lab Rats"), who also serve as executive producers and showrunners.

You can watch this interview on YouTube

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