Erin Doherty recently joined host Elias in the cave for Press Day for the upcoming release of their new show 'Chloe' streaming on Prime Video June 24th.

We enjoyed watching an early release here at the "cave" cant wait for everyone to check it out!

Chloe - is a psychological thriller that follows Becky Green (Erin Doherty), who is obsessed with stalking her childhood friend Chloe Fairbourne's (Poppy Gilbert) perfectly curated social media presence. Chloe's charmed life, adoring husband, and circle of high-achieving friends are always just a click away, and Becky can't resist peering into a world that contrasts so starkly with her own, as she cares for her mother, who has early onset dementia. When Chloe suddenly dies, Becky assumes a new identity and infiltrates the enviable lives of Chloe's closest friends to find out what happened to her. Through her alter-ego Sasha, Becky becomes a powerful, transgressive heroine; a popular, well-connected "someone" with a life–and loves–that are far more exciting and addictive than the "no-one" she is as Becky. However, the pretense soon obscures and conflates reality, and she discovers Chloe's real life had not been nearly as perfect as it was portrayed online. As Becky gets deeper into her con, and Chloe's inner circle, she risks losing herself completely in the game she is playing.

You can watch this interview on YouTube

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