Sunny in PHX! A Phoenix Suns Podcast

Sunny in PHX! A Phoenix Suns Podcast


Part of the Underdog Sports Podcast Network - Charlie Erling, David McGraw, and Mitch Krmpotich keep you up to date with everything Phoenix Suns. The three Suns fans have hope for the future of Phoeni...

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Part of the Underdog Sports Podcast Network - Charlie Erling, David McGraw, and Mitch Krmpotich keep you up to date with everything Phoenix Suns. The three Suns fans have hope for the future of Phoenix and always have Booker on the brain. Join them each week for basketball talk that will make you laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time. Go Suns! For advertising opportunities on this show, or any of the other shows on our network, feel free to reach out to us at:

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