Riverdale // Recap Rewind

Riverdale // Recap Rewind


This is your #1 #Riverdale podcast. Get the most hilariously detailed breakdown of the weekly Riverdale episodes. Hosts JLAG and NBEA discuss their best moments of the episode and include fan comments...

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This is your #1 #Riverdale podcast. Get the most hilariously detailed breakdown of the weekly Riverdale episodes. Hosts JLAG and NBEA discuss their best moments of the episode and include fan comments! Be sure to follow us on all socials to be included in the podcast!

WATCH our #Riverdale themed videos on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjrQY9jRte3r-QdOkRkEd-qYJZRNFQ53b

WATCH our reactions to all the Season 3 #Riverdale promos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjrQY9jRte3oz3LumpkHL6zGtx-TNM-E_

#Riverdale #Varchie #Bughead #Falice #Choni #RiverdalePodcast

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