The Pettingill Family - The True Animal Kingdom...
The phenomenal Australian crime film “Animal Kingdom” is one of our favourites but did you know it’s based on a true story? Ruled by murderous matriarch Kath, the notorious Pettingill family dominated the Melbourne Underworld in the 1970’s and 80’s. They were drug dealers, armed robbers, rapists and murderers. Even police officers were not safe from their reign of terror. This is a tale of extreme drug-use, rampant violent crime and police corruption. But the most shocking thing in this case is that the truth is not only stranger than fiction, it’s also much worse.
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True Crime Nerd Time, a segment on Bloody Murder, needs your help because it stars you! We want you, our listeners, to submit your recommendations for anything true cime related! It could be books, TV shows, movies, documentaries, exhibitions, graphic novels, art, music etc. So send us your brief story (we’ll read it out) or record your story (it can just be a recording on your phone, and we’ll play it!). We will also publish it on our website. Keep it to about 2 mins please or 200 words. Email here!
Oh and if you give us your postal address we'll send you some stickers as a reward!
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