Kashlak’s esteemed Chief of Nephrology, Dr Joel Topf @kidney_boy walks us through the evaluation and differentiation of nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. Embrace the kidney again as we sort the different diagnostics, managements, and prognosis for these two pathologies.

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Producer, writer, infographic, cover art: Elena Gibson MD

Hosts: Elena Gibson MD, Stuart Brigham MD; Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP

Editor: Emi Okamoto MD (written); Clair Morgan of nodderly.com (audio)

Guest: Joel Topf MD

Time Stamps*

*Note: Time Stamps refer to ad free version

Intro, disclaimer, guest bio – 00:00

Picks of the Week – 3:10

Case from Kashlak – 6:30

Nephrotic syndrome definition- 12:30

Proteinuria evaluation – 15:04

Additional lab testing – 27:08; 40:09

Types of Nephrotic syndrome – 30:15

Mechanism of nephrotic syndrome edema – 33:08

Management of nephrotic syndrome – 44:07

Second Kashlak Case- Glomerulonephritis – 55:05

Treatment of glomerulonephritis – 65:05

Outro and post-credits scene – 73:20

Sponsor: The American College of Physicians

Join us for ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2021: Virtual Experience for 3 days of interactive, livestreaming education and events April 29 through May 1—plus on-demand post-meeting access to CME credit for up to 3 years.

“Early Bird” members get an additional $80 registration discount on top of their member discount. Visit annualmeeting.acponline.org and use the code IM21CURB.

Register now—Early Bird savings end January 31st!

Sponsor: VCU Health CE

The Curbsiders are partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE continuing education credits for physicians and other healthcare professionals. Visit curbsiders.vcuhealth.org and search for this episode to claim credit.

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