This is the first installment of a new venture for me. 🌎WORLD PARTY🌍!!! A mix of some of my favorite, off the beaten path, groovy jams from across the globe. Mid 70s-early 90s stuff, all different vibes but all jammin'! For fun, I took these tracks and put 'em through the ringer. The sludgy, slowed and reverbed out Al Lover edit treatment. I've been sitting on these for a couple years so it's nice to get 'em out there. I hope y'all dig it and stay tuned for more to come!

🌎WORLD PARTY🌍 is also a monthly event, every last Saturday of the month at Gold-Diggers Bar in Los Angeles, CA.

1. Zerosen– Son Of Pin Head 03:23

2. Senay - Çirozname 04:06

3. Pasteur Lappe - As Far I Can Remember 06:22

4. ORM - Tropic 05:28

5. Ramesh - Moondam Az Moondanet 03:54

6. Lyn Christopher - Take Me With You 03:30

7. Tee Mac - Talk to Me 1980 Version 06:04

8. Selçuk Ural - Hatasiz Kul Olmaz 04:18

9. Figen Han - Pisi Pisi 03:07

10. Kosuke Ichihara & 3L – Yasuki-Bushi 04:17

11. Vijay Benedict & Alisha Chinai - Zindagi Meri Dance 05:00

12. Marju Kuut - Maskeraad 03:10

13. Cheng Qiong Mei - Going To America 03:52

14. Fernanda & Felipe Abreu - Luxo Pesado 04:55

15. Musicism - Bermuda Triangle 03:33

16. Rita Lee & Roberto De Carvalho - Agora É Moda 04:40

17. Wild Fire - Try Making Love 03:33

18. Zdenka Kovačiček - Kobra 03:46

19. Gökben - Ílk ve Son Askimsin 03:34

20. Salma Agha - Pyare Aaja 05:02

21. Ayla Algan - Dalga Dalga Dalgalaniyor 03:50

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