Welcome to the weekly GI Microcast giving you the latest in video games news. Join James Batchelor and Chris Dring where they give you their take on the biggest stories in video games. Never miss an episode and subscribe to the GI Microcast on all Podcasting platforms and YouTube. Join them every Monday for more video games news. 

This week, Chris and James discuss this year's BAFTA Games Awards, the array of winners, and the vibe among industry professionals - both at the ceremony and the London Developer Conference that was held earlier in the day.

The episode also explores some of the key takeaways from the conference, such as Newzoo's revelation of how few play hours everyone is competing for, as well as the latest discussions around the ongoing waves of layoffs, including the IGDA's call for more action to prevent or minimise them.

As always, you can get more news, insight and analysis at www.gamesindustry.biz.

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