The BroKast Podcast

155. TBK WrestleMania Special: Triangle Ladder Match (WWF WrestleMania 2000) and Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon (WWE WrestleMania XIX) Watch Along!


It is time to pop a couple of cold ones and enjoy as our two brothers, Alan (@alanross84TBK) and Thom (@Mr_MMAction) provide their TBK WrestleMania Special as they sit back and watch The Dudley Boyz defend the WWF Tag Team Championship against The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian in a Triangle Ladder Match at WWF WrestleMania 2000 and Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon in a Streetfight from WWE WrestleMania XIX.


Also featured are promos for Powerslam Wrestling Network (@PowerslamTV), Shining Wizards Wrestling Podcast (@wizardspodcast), Smackin It Raw (@MattRidder), The Apron Bump Podcast (@ApronBump), Inconclusive Breakdown Podcast (InconclusivePod), Main Event Marks Podcast (@MainEvent_Marks) and The Mark Order Podcast (@MarkOrderPod).


Fan of gaming? Fan of streaming? Check out 1/2 of The BroKast, @alanross84TBK on his offical Twitch channel, Rosco_Bosco84 ( and on YouTube @


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