NOW is the time to get your financial shit together! Mollie can help! Get in touch for a free consultation here: illustration of Thorned Namshiel is by Oodles McDoodles and you can see it (plus 3 other Denarians) here! don't know if Harry used Hexus on my mic or what, but at about the 1hr15min mark it starts to make a weird low buzzing sound and I'm not sure why. I edited from there on with a different mix on my voice to tamp it down as much as possible while still keeping me audible, so I may sound a little weird. Sorry about that, everyone, not really sure what was going on there. These chapters are the ones in which Harry and Marcone beat Ethniu, and Harry finds out that Marcone isn't the same man he once was. Thanks again so much to you all for listening!

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