


We’re two Maine sisters fascinated by crime who like a good story. Maureen, a long-time journalist, is a mystery novelist. Rebecca is an artist, kitchen designer and mom. We live in Maine, and often focus on our home state (how can we not?), but also tell stories from all over. Some topics may be familiar, but we're research hounds with distinct po...

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We’re two Maine sisters fascinated by crime who like a good story. Maureen, a long-time journalist, is a mystery novelist. Rebecca is an artist, kitchen designer and mom. We live in Maine, and often focus on our home state (how can we not?), but also tell stories from all over. Some topics may be familiar, but we're research hounds with distinct points of view, and the stories are uniquely ours. Sure, we're not professional broadcasters -- we're more fun. It's like popping a beer or pouring a glass of wine, settling on our couch, and listening to a good yarn. It's the podcast you’d do if you had nothing better to do!

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