Have you ever been told that vulnerability is a sign of weakness? Have you believed it? Garry Turner debunks the myth and shares his personal journey after saying yes to an inner recognition that something was missing from life. His exploration released him from old traumas, through to recovered energy and a freedom that energizes an unimaginable level of productivity and creativity.

Garry Turner guides the expansion of possibilities at the intersections of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion and Sustainability. Guided by a

major focus on serving, and seeking, to disrupt extractive industry mindsets and structures from the inside out and the outside in, Garry works on a 1-1 basis with executive and senior leaders, and with teams, as a Thinking Partner, International Speaker, and holding space for connection, co-creation, reimagining and exceptional performance.

Garry is also a content creator having hosted two podcasts, Value through Vulnerability and Activating Consciousness, writes blogs, and also hosts livestreams around a variety of deeply human and systemic topics. Garry's links are here: https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner See also Hegemony Revealed on YouTube.

These are times when true leaders accept the challenge of moving past fear to realize a much deeper adaptive capacity. Garry's experience illustrates what is possible when you refuse to let fear-based thinking set the limits for what you are capable of experiencing.

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Contact or follow host Dawna Jones on one or more of these channels:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnahjones/

Twitter: EPDawna_Jones

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightful_dawna/

Navigating Uncertainty Newsletter: https://dawnajones.substack.com/

Medium: @dawnajones

Website: https://www.dawnajones.com

Links mentioned:

Value through Vulnerability podcast Episode 45

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