Whether you are a business or at a personal level, how you deal with life's interruptions determines your emotional and mental health from that day forward. Transforming a tragedy into an inspired purpose is the choice Amanda Bauer-Frisch made when her husband died abruptly. In this episode, she takes us on a deep dive and explains how she moved through the difficult times and why she hangs out with people who can have difficult conversations.

Amanda Bauer-Frisch, a resilient serial entrepreneur and CEO of Enduring Legacy Company embarked on her journey after poignant personal experiences shaped her vision. Transitioning from a career in human resources to full-time parenting in 2020, Amanda channeled her spare time into crafting literacy tools inspired by her late husband’s teachings.

Her first business, Small Legacies, is a children’s gift brand that focuses on thoughtful, practical items that enhance a child’s development and peace within parents’ homes. Owning several other small businesses, all under the umbrella of Enduring Legacy Company, Amanda is a visionary entrepreneur dedicated to leaving a lasting impact through heartfelt, purpose-driven ventures that resonate with families worldwide.

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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnahjones/

Twitter: EPDawna_Jones

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightful_dawna/

Navigating Uncertainty Newsletter: https://dawnajones.substack.com/

Medium: @dawnajones

Website: https://www.dawnajones.com

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