In this Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth MTGLEGACY Set review, we're taking a look at the new MTGxLOTR set and giving you our thoughts on it!

This MTGxLOTR set is a big deal, and we wanted to give you our full review so that you can decide if it's the set for you. We'll be taking a look at all the new cards and analyzing how well they synergize with the other cards in the set. We also have a full breakdown of the new legendaries and how to play them optimally. So if you're a Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth fan, be sure to check out this review!

Dawn of a New Age 00:01:47:07

Spiteful Banditry 00:04:10:18

Boromir, Warden of the Tower 00:06:22:19

Call of the Ring 00:08:08:13

Display of Power

Delighted Halfing 00:12:20:14

Elven chorus 00:12:47:18

Frodo Sauron's Bane 00:15:35:18

Scroll of Isildur 00:20:19:20

FRODO Determined Hero 00:23:43:21

Gollum, Scheming Guide 00:27:38:21

Gollum Patient Plotter 00:30:37:07

Fiery Inscription 00:32:41:20

Sam the stouthearted 00:34:31:01

Shire Shirriff 00:35:56:11

Stern Scolding 00:37:18:00

Birthday Escape 00:41:43:14

Cast into the Fire 00:43:19:13

Nasty End 00:45:23:05

Sauron the Dark lord 00:48:04:21

Aragorn the Uniter 00:53:39:23

King of theOathbreakers 00:55:33:08

Lotho Corrupt Shirriff 00:57:29:06

Merry Esquire of Rohan 01:00:57:03

Pippin Guard of the Citadel 01:02:02:13

Samwise Gamgee 01:03:48:13

FRODO Adventurous Hobbit 01:04:38:19

Sam Loyal Attendant 01:05:07:02

Prince Imrahil the Fair 01:09:25:22

The One Ring 01:11:30:20

FLAME of ANOR 01:13:46:03

Sauron's Ransom 01:14:14:11

Palantír of Orthanc 01:15:08:04

Stone of Erech 01:19:57:01

The Shire 01:21:32:09

Minas Tirith 01:22:24:23

Council's Deliberation 01:24:26:03

Orcish Bowmasters 01:24:50:23

Farmer cotton 01:25:21:13

Sail into the West 01:28:48:16

Crown of Gondor 01:31:33:02

Gollum, Obsessed Stalker 01:33:18:21

Cavern-Hoard Dragon 01:34:57:15

Feasting Hobbit 01:39:27:20


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