Debate starts at: 6:31. Is universal basic income for pinko commie dipshits? First-time guest Brad joins Kirk Wilcox, Ron and I for the debate about “Universal Basic Income” (UBI). The theory is that as technology progresses and replaces traditional jobs for humans (self-checkout cashiers, automated fast food cooks, kiosks, etc), unemployment would go up and traditional jobs would become obsolete. So some politicians have proposed a basic income level that every citizen would get every month. Beyond your UBI, you’d be able to work, but your income would be taxed at 50%. Good idea? Bad idea? Kirk had an interesting idea: pass UBI but eliminate all other government programs (universal healthcare, etc). Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel

Ron Babcock’s tip this week: make your own deodorant! Ron made me some, but it was conspicuously laced with broken glass. Nothing stops the sweat like scar tissue!

And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:

We got more international voicemail this week, and a caller callout for the first time in a while. If you want to send voicemail from another country, join the Facebook group: Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY (or message me on Facebook). You’re welcome.

The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).

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