Debate starts at: 5:03. What’s the corniest, dipshit wish? Bradley Laborman joins us for the debate this week. Ron and Bradley team up in a tag-team duo that I describe as “simple.” These guys shit all over me for wanting to be immortal just because I might end up like some weird bisexual vampire, as one does when they become immortal. Plus I simmer down the problem with waffles to its essence: 10% of the bites have 90% of the butter. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel

Ron Babcock’s tip this week is: use lemon instead of salt, you idiots. Stop grabbing for the salt shaker every time your food arrives at the table. Just calm down. Leave a comment or voicemail about the tips if you try them (1-562-584-7853).

And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:

We got a shit-ton of voicemail this week, all the way from Australia and Greece. If you can’t make international calls, join Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY and leave a voicemail in the group (or message on Facebook).

The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).

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