What if we told you that you could talk to the One who created you and that He delights in hearing from you? Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 3 how to grow in prayer, the language of someone who is dependent on God. In this passage, we learn what prayer is and isn’t, who to pray to, and what to pray.

Notes: https://www.bible.com/events/48972221

Paradigm is a weekly gathering of Kansas City college and 20s-30s young adults who desire to see Jesus made known throughout the city! Want to come & see? Email us at paradigm@livingproof.co to give us a heads up so we can greet you, or just show up any Tuesday night at 7pm to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a relaxing environment, hear messages relevant to college and young professionals, and build relationships with other young adults. Subscribe to the ParadigmKC podcast and YouTube, follow us on Instagram & Facebook, find our location, and learn more at http://paradigmkc.com/.

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