We are continuing our annual tradition by getting together with Andy Carter and Doug Veliky to recap the year and make our bold beer predictions for the New Year. Items for discussion include:

  • Revisit our 2023 predictions.
  • A look back at 2023 as a whole.
  • Any surprises in 2023?
  • Predictions for 2024.
  • Wishes for the beer industry in 2024.

And much more!

You are reading this because you know you are in need of a lambic basket and you don't own one yet. Click here to purchase your very own lambic basket and support The Full Pint podcast in doing so. [LINK]

Looking to become the next big sponsor of The Full Pint Podcast? Email us at info@thefullpint.com!

Please check out these resources if you are a member of the craft beer industry and need help.

National Women's Law Center - https://nwlc.org/

Department of Fair Employment and Housing - https://www.dfeh.ca.gov/

Project When - https://projectwhen.org/resources/how-to-report-workplace-harassment-incidents/

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