Big choices have big consequences for John Walker in Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 "The Whole World Is Watching". We chat all about another excellent episode of the show in full spoiler filled detail.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 Synopsis

Episode Written by: Derek Kolstad

Episode Directed By: Kari Skogland

Investigations at the GRC centre reveal that Karli Morgenthau will be at the funeral for her adoptive mother Momma Danja, but unknown to Baron Zemo and Sam Wilson is that Ayo has given Bucky 8 hours until the Dora Milaje will take Zemo for the murder of their king T’Chaka.

As they head to the funeral they are intercepted by John Walker and Lamar Hoskins. While Sam wants to speak with Karli in an attempt to understand her actions and persuade her to end her violence, an impatient Captain America intervenes with force.

Zemo slips away and manages to destroy most of the super soldier serum, but he is knocked out by Walker who secretly takes the last vial of serum. Back at Zemo’s apartment, Ayo and the Dora Milaje come for Zemo, but Walker refuses to hand him over.

Walker is beaten and humiliated by the Dora Milaje, while Zemo manages to quietly slip away and escapes his would be captors. Later that day Sam meets with Karli again after she had threatened his sister and nephews, where she tries to persuade him to join the Flag Smashers.

Meanwhile, Walker and Hoskins engage with other Flag Smashers, where Lamar is killed accidentally by Karli. Enraged by the death of his friend and having taken the last vial of serum Captain America chases down and kills one of the Flag Smashers for all to see.

As Captain America’s shield drips with blood a group of horrified spectators along with Karli watches on.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Cast

* Sam Wilson played by Anthony Mackie* James Buchanan Barnes played by Sebastian Stan* Doctor Raynor played by Amy Aquino* Sarah Wilson played by Adepero Oduye* First Lieutenant Joaquin Torres played by Danny Ramirez* John Walker played by Wyatt Russell* Leah played by Miki Ishikawa* Mr. Yuri Nakajima played by Ken Takemoto* With Batroc the Leaper played by Georges St-Pierre* An...

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