In this episode, David interviews Saga Briggs: freelance journalist and author of "How to Change Your Body: The Science of Interoception and Healing Through Connection to Yourself and Others."

A collection of interviews, peer-reviewed research, and personal story; the book dives deep into the mind-body connection, how to become more embodied, and our need for social connection – which factors into mental and physical health far more than most of us realize. The nod to Michael Pollan’s book is also a challenge: Have we been focusing too much on our minds and now it’s time to pay more attention to our bodies? How much of the benefit of psychedelic experiences is related to truly experiencing our bodies?

She discusses:

  • How neuroscience is starting to look more at brain-body interactions, and the psychedelic space’s growing interest in somatics
  • The minimal and narrative selves: Do psychedelics make the minimal self traverse over the narrative self?
  • Flexible switching and applying interoception to a social context
  • Her concept of a ‘possibility space’ and new ways of perceiving
  • The benefit of adding embodiment practices to psychedelic assisted therapy – especially during preparation and integration

and more! Click here to head to the show notes page

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