In this third part of our series on Karen's new book, "Survival Guide to Motherhood," Karen and Emily discuss the importance of raising kids with a strong foundation in biblical principles, even when it goes against the grain of today's world. They chat about how teaching kids to obey their parents leads to a more peaceful home in the long run. Don’t miss Karen’s prayer at the end of the episode asking for wisdom, courage, and blessings for all the families tuning in! 

Episode Recap:

6:29 Discipline is hard and different for every child and in every season

7:43 Discipline has to be taught - it does not come naturally to children

11:42 Discipline has to be consistent.

13:00 The 3 stages of discipline each require a different focus from parents 

17:07 The “B”s of discipline are: Be Consistent, Be United, Be Clear

18:08 In the later years, we have to give our kids the “why” behind the no

Scripture for Reflection:

Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Are there any negative behaviors you see in your child now that you are tempted to ignore, thinking they will grow out of it? 
  2. Karen mentioned the idea that "pain now will equal peace later" when it comes to parenting. Have you experienced this in your own life? How have you seen this in your parenting journey? 
  3. Which stage of discipline are you in right now? (Laying the Foundation, Teaching the ‘Whys’, The Coaching Years)
  4. Do you think the pace of your life is preventing you from disciplining effectively? How so? 
  5. Of the three “B”s (Be Consistent, Be United, Be Clear), which do you struggle with most? 
  6. Have you ever prayed and asked for wisdom to know how to discipline your child? Pray together as a group today for the wisdom to discipline effectively. 


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