We had an eclectic mix of new concepts this time, let's review:

1. America's schizophrenic involvement in Syria's Civil War is a result of pressures from Israel, Saudia Arabia & Turkey.

2. ISIL's aspirations of establishment of a religious Caliphate is equivalent to Zionism.

3. A nation has no obligation to accept refugees.

4. Immigration brings entrepreneurs to America but it drains their home country of valuable human capital.

5. Illegal Immigration is facilitated by a cabal of Marxists, exploiters & self-interested Racists.

6. One of a nation's prerogatives is to control its borders & that might entail building a fence.

7. Luckily the average American is unaware of the rampant anti-Americanism of the European elite.

8. American has a history of Isolationism, and seems to be turning again in that direction.

9. The values & goals of Millennials have been shaped by their lack of career opportunities combined with a relaxed attitude towards traditional goals.

10. A National Dividend would make someone else responsible for you.

11. Student Loans indenture naive students & provide no Constitutionally guaranteed bankruptcy.

12 .Marriage is a State function with State goals.

You may get your news somewhere else but take your advice from me, the Wysest Myn in the Wyrld.

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