Halacha Headlines

3/16/24 – Shiur 460 – זכרון לנצח – Preserving the memory of Fallen Soldiers Through Posthumous Retrieval of זרע for Procreation


Is it permitted, forbidden or a Mitzvah?Are you מקיים פריה וריבה?Does it exempt you from חליצה?Is there an issue of ניוול המת?Is there an issue of הנאה ממת?Is there an issue of ביטול מצוות קבורה?Are there any moral issues?

with Rabbi Shlomo Brody – Renowned Lecturer and Author – 15:00with Irit Rosenblum – Attorney, Founder & Executive Director of New Family – 46:11with Rabbi Gideon Weitzman – Director of the Puah Institute – 1:07:26

 מראי מקומות


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