In this episode, Cassandra interviews Amy Leigh Mercree on how we can create a magnetic aura and home environment with very easy to implement practices! In this interview, we talk about Amy’s books, “The Healing Home: Your Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes,” “Blissful Baths: 40 Rituals for Self-Care and Relaxation,” and “Aura Alchemy: Learn to Sense Energy Fields, Interpret the Color Spectrum, and Manifest Success."

Amy Leigh Mercree is a bestselling author of eighteen books, journals, and card decks. She is a media personality, holistic health expert, and mystic teacher. She instructs internationally sharing Meet Your Goddess Guides, Ancestral and Karmic Shamanism, Spirit Writing with the Grandmothers of the Seven Directions, and Atomic Healing Method: Medical Intuitive Certification.

Amy is an internationally acclaimed medical intuitive with 23 years of experience. Using a combination of spirituality and science, Amy’s job is finding the root cause of imbalances in the body. She’s helped thousands of people find the root causes of numerous mild and moderate medical conditions and uncover their bodies wisdom to heal permanently.

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