Four words: Chris. Moyles. Gets. Electrocuted. 

Interested? Thought so. 

Hey hey! What’s the buzz? Must be Chris’ arms, as he undertook The Boffin Booth, being tested on the almighty Mr Blobby with pretty shocking results.

There were two great guests this week. Firstly, Welcome to Wrexham’s Humphrey Ker was welcomed into the studio for a game of ‘Who Are You?’, talking all-things football, Ryan Reynolds and the back of Katy Perry’s head. Then, Chris and the team were joined by Alex James, whose CV is as follows: Blur bassist, cheese connoisseur, festival founder and Frazzle fanatic. What a guy! 

As well as all that, Chris and the team turned their heads to the Glastonbury weekend, picking flags for some lucky listeners to take with them to the festival. 

So, go forth, hit play, and as Toby Tarrant once said, ‘spread your cheese, wherever you please’.

Also in this episode…

  • A cheesy game of Happy Endings, inspired by Alex James
  • Mug-gate turns to muff-gate
  • Chris gets flashed 

Ooh, hang on, BREAKING NEWS!

An update on Dom’s Euros Sweepstake!

It’s still shambolic. 


The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X

Weekdays 6:30am-10am

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