In today’s conversation, I’m speaking with Commander Kirk Lippold. Commander Kirk was the commanding officer of the USS Cole, a Navy warship attacked by Al-Qaeda 11 months before the events of September 11, 2001. 

As financial advisors living through COVID-19, not only is it important to focus on the technical aspect of meeting with clients virtually, but also the mental side of dealing with the current pandemic. Asking ourselves questions like "What mindset is required to help us all navigate these interesting times?" Much of today's conversation speaks directly to that. How to take action and lead our teams through some of the toughest challenges some of us have ever faced in life and in business.

Today, Commander Lippold joins the podcast to share his perspective on leadership during times of crisis and deconstructs decision making for you and your team.

Here are 3 of my big takeaways from this episode:

  • #1: What happened on the day the USS Cole was attacked - the story behind it and the mental framework Commander Lippold leaned on to navigate a literal life-or-death situation for him and his crew. [7:00]
  • #2: How to prioritize and act faster in a crisis - and why, as Commander Lippold puts it, "The wounded don’t matter if the ship sinks." [11:17]
  • #3: The Technology and tools that Commander Kirk has adopted to provide value to his clients and give virtual presentations during a time when in-person speaking engagements are currently impossible. [30:41]



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