Every recruitment leader needs more staff – or at least they want their existing staff to be loyal, effective and successful.  This podcast is  a great listen to help you spend a little time creating a strategy for fixing your talent shortage.  No recruiters?  No fees?  No business!  Here's a fix!


In this episode of the Recruitment Leaders’ Podcast, I spoke to Ann Swain, Founder of APSCo, about their initiative, Women in Recruitment, something that will fix over 70% of Recruitment Leaders’ issues this year (and beyond…)

We talked about what Women in Recruitment is. What does Women in Recruitment do, and what's in it for recruiters?

Recruitment leaders have a lot to benefit from understanding how a focus on diversity and inclusion in their recruitment business can fix a lot of problems (namely recruiting and retaining the best recruiters!) and help them create more profitable, successful businesses.

We talked about some key issues that can affect / help the talent shortage in most recruitment businesses:

Why there is a talent shortage within the recruitment industry

Women in Recruitment: WIIFR (what's in it for recruiters?)

What really motivates salespeople and recruiters?

How are men and women being done a disservice in the workplace?

What do millennials and Gen Z really want, and how can we deliver it?

How do recruitment leaders fix the gap between employing and retaining staff?

Does Ann think women are better salespeople than men?

How do we help our staff perform to the best of their ability?

What are the benefits to joining Women in Recruitment?

Women in Recruitment isn't just about ticking a box, feeling better, "doing the right thing". There's LOTs of commercial benefits - which if I'm honest, I feel I shouldn't need to outline, but, I may as well.

If the average recruitment business needs more staff, what do they need to do to hire and retain women?

Do women make better sales people? (Contentious!)

Recruitment awards and vendors often ask about diversity - what do you really need to say about your approach to "women in recruitment"

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